Flowing With the River of Life

Flowing With the River of Life

    In perplexing times, watch your attitude.  Your perspective colors your sense of the good and the bad in life.  Are you enjoying your swim in the ever-changing currents in the river of life, or are you fearful of unexpected waves?  Making the most of your situation, whatever it may be, can be part of a strategy for your success, even if at times you don’t know how to navigate the uncharted forces surging in the ocean of your emotions. 

Oracle Wisdom Card:  Right Action

Oracle Wisdom Card: Right Action

Selected Card:  Right Action from Sacred Mysteries Chakra Oracle

       Card 19, Gayatri Ma, who symbolizes the feminine power of strength, compassion, and healing, looks in three directions watching over her children.  In these trying times, she’s an auspicious image to behold.  Her mantra, Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ, is a universal prayer for connecting with her all-seeing wisdom and protection.  Knowing our truth and taking “right action” can also be key to staying connected with the positive energy that radiates from our Solar Plexus center for the 3rd chakra.

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