
Brief Tarot FAQ

Can I develop my intuition by doing Tarot Card readings?
The more you do readings using the Tarot, the more your intuitive skills will evolve. It is equal to any skill that you are trying to develop which gets stronger in time as you continue to use it.

Do I need to understand astrology to be able to read Tarot cards?
Because astrology is a primary root on the tree of divination, the more you understand astrology, the easier your Tarot practice can be. In many Tarot decks, you will find the zodiac being used to give clues to help you see into a card’s meaning. No, you don’t need to know astrology, but it can help you expand awareness of a card’s significance.

How can I best learn the Tarot.
One way to work with the cards and learn them at the same time is doing the One-Card Tarot Spread. This spread is short, sweet, and best used for answering “yes” or “no” questions. It can be also be used when you have a short question and want to focus on clarifying one issue.

This card spread is extremely simple. Ask a question out loud or silently. After you shuffle and cuts the cards, turn over the top card and interpret its message. Free-associate any ideas that come into your mind in relation to the card’s symbolic content. Keyword interpretations of cards will often suffice to answer the question being asked. If you want more insight, have an inward discussion about your present situation in relation to your responses to images you’re seeing on your selected card.

The Tarot Deck

“Power from our Mother Moon,
flow through me from you,
to use these cards and use them true.”

The Tarot reading quickly transports a seeker of self-knowledge to intensely private places. Like no other oracle, Tarot commingles the flames of magic, emotion, wisdom, and visual stimulation. For centuries these cards have been used for divination, meditation, and personal reflection.

  • The deck consists of 78 symbolic playing cards divided between 22 major cards (Major Trump) and 56 minor cards (Lessor Trump).
  • The minor cards are divided between four suits, Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit represents one of the four elements, fire, water, air, and earth.
  • Each major arcana card links with an astrological sign or planet, archetype, myth, and symbolic allegory.

The following is a list of major cards and few key word interpretations.

  • The Magician: Intellect, strength of mind and the power of will.
  • The High Priestess: Spiritual mastery over material conflicts and the wisdom of finding balance within.
  • The Empress: The catalysts of the forces of love, productivity, creativity, and happiness.
  • The Emperor: Authority, control and mastery over earthly matters such as finances.
  • The Heirophant: Philosophical thought, insightful communication, and spiritual realities.
  • The Lovers: The archetypal Adam and Eve, father-mother, yang-yin, male-female, positive-negative energy.
  • The Chariot: Advancement, travel, self-control, and the quest to unify opposites.
  • Strength: Strength to overcome trials; consciously seeking to awaken higher consciousness.
  • The Hermit: Insightful communication, deliberate effort to actualize potential.
  • Fortune: The spinning of the wheel of life bringing good luck, success, and fortune.
  • Justice: Understanding partnerships, commitments, and the processes of arbitration.
  • The Hanged Man: Sacred visions, seeking the truth of the soul.
  • Death: Transformation, death, rebirth, new opportunities, intense communications,
  • Temperance: Moderation in activities, right livelihood, developing self-mastery.
  • The Devil: Oppression, manipulation, or negativity.
  • The Tower: The potential for an upset or struggle.
  • The Star: Hope, optimism, or getting clarity.
  • The Moon: The subconscious, dreams, memories, the intuition, the feminine.
  • The Sun: The logical mind, conscious creative efforts, positive, masculine energy.
  • Judgment: Unpredictable events, a new calling, judgment on some level.
  • The World: Finding resolutions, worldliness.
  • The Fool: Unconventional lifestyles, living in the now, innocent awareness.


For more information to receive or schedule an email or phone reading or in person consultation please call:  Kooch @ (707) 876-1980 or use the handy form on the contact page.


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