Chakra Oracles Card 32: Healing
Conversing with your inner healer is a good place to begin your healing process. What words, feelings, impressions are you communicating to your inner self? How are your feeling in response to these powerful influences? The messages you give to yourself are key in directing your mind, emotions, and body evolution.
Certainly the exterior world, including the environment and outside stressors play a role in influencing our health. Perhaps karma also points us toward a predestined fate. But whatever is happening, be a fierce warrior to win over life’s difficulties. Connect with your inner healer who depends on your willingness to firmly hold on to your strength and commitment to make your life better. What can you do to reduce stressors or negative influences? Can you balance anxiety with optimistic thinking? Don’t overlook doing little things each day that can help you feel better.
Dhanwantari, the image on chakra card 32 linked with the fifth chakra, was considered “Healer to the Gods”. His light reflected in the waves of energy dancing around him symbolize the vibrational forces that bring healing to the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.