Autumn Astro Waves

Autumn Astro Waves

 As the Wheel of Life turns, Sun enters the constellation of Libra. Venus, its ruler, dances in the sky opening our hearts to feel the bewitching beat of love’s silent cry to enjoy each precious moment..

Sun Sign In-Sights

Aries, the Ram      March 21 to April 20
               Take time to enjoy the pleasures in your life.  Otherwise, the pressure to work more is in your future forecast.

Taurus, the Bull       April 21 to May 20
               Checking your list of goals illuminates your path to good fortune.  You have many blessings yet to unfold.

Gemini, the Twins     May 21 through June 21
                 Envision your most fantastic, huggable “You”, and go for success.  Travel will happen when you’re ready.

Cancer, the Crab     June 22 to July 22
                 Learn from past regrets.  Turn worries to inspiration and you’ll see positive transformations unfold.

Leo, the Lion      July 23 through Aug. 22
                 Enter the world of opportunities with your roaring high energy. It’s time to acknowledge your inner light of wisdom.

Virgo, the Virgin     Aug. 23 through Sept. 22
                The harvest of your efforts can be reaped.  Tap into the love in your being to unveil the mystery of your destiny.

Libra, the Scales      September 23 to October 22
               Stay focused on living your life joyfully.  Keep on track by balancing truth between your heart and mind.

Scorpio, the Scorpion     October 23 through November 22
               Don’t get stuck undervaluing your skills.  Say goodbye to self-criticism and honor your special spirit.

Sagittarius, the Archer   Nov. 23 through Dec. 21
               Yes, you have a winning personality. Be patient. New accomplishments are on the horizon.

Capricorn, the Goat   December 21 to January 20
               Invite more optimism into your daily life.  Less focus on worries means more time to let your light shine.

Aquarius, the Water Bearer   January 21 through February 19
               Your strength and skills need to work in harmony. With each step go boldly toward your greater good.

Pisces, the Fish     February 20 to March 20
               Your individualism and imagination are refreshing.  Mix passionate desires with the spice of your creativity to win.

Animal Psychics

Animal Psychics

Pet psychics, or cat, dog, or horse whisperers, have an “uncatty” ability to see or hear the thoughts of animals.  Some believe that they communicate with an animal by sensing the symbols or pictures that it holds in its mind. With trust in their intuition, a pet psychic will know what an animal is thinking. Or, perhaps an animal will act in a certain way and it gives the reader “a sign”.

Pet owners will often reach out to animal psychics when they’re searching for answers about their furry friends that aren’t explainable by normal means.  Some psychics make a very good living with this talent, especially if they take good care of their client’s needs and have positive interactions with their animal.

If you’re curious and think that you’d like to become an animal psychic, have fun and give it a try.  When you see a nearby animal, try to sense what it’s feeling. You can intuitively send it a question and see how the animal responds. Or, next time when you visit a zoo, stand in a protected stance near the lion’s cage.  Look with your mind’s eye and experiment with communicating intuitively with this magnificent beast.  Don’t act anxious or surprised if it tells you that it hopes to eat you for dinner. Just confidently keep walking by.

Lovers of cats (or even turtles) might use Tarot cards or animal spirit oracle cards to read pets and help answer a client’s questions. Such cards have an “uncatty” ability to tune into animal feelings and offer readings that can be “purrrfect.”  Today,my randomly selected card for my loyal best friend, Momo, is six of bowls (cups).  A card representing sharing the cup of cup, I’m intuiting that she wants me to take her to the beach.  Obviously she’s reading me too as she just got up to go.

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