New Moon Book Review of Tarot In Motion

New Moon Book Review of Tarot In Motion

        Happy New Moon in Aquarius, on Monday, January 31, 9:46 pm PST. 
       This New Moon is also the start of the Chinese New Year of the Tiger, an animal symbolizing strength and power.
       Happy Imbolc/Candlemas (half way point between winter and spring) on February 2nd, an ancient holiday for celebrating The Gift of Light.
                      Looking for a good Tarot book?  Check out my review:
           Tarot in Motion, A Handbook to Embody Wisdom through the Cards by Miriam Jacobs is an insightful and delightful, info  informative guide to combining the meanings of the 78 cards with movement.  Actually, her book offers much more than Tarot wisdom even though the cards and their links with the body are its primary focus. Miriam offers useful information on chakras and gives Tarot/astrological references.  She gives precise tools to help us communicate with our inner self and invoke our spirit of play and increase our magical mojo. 
     Miriam empowers her readers to discover ways to get physically involved and experience the cards through dance, music, art, yoga, ceremonies, rituals, holidays, and much more.  Here’s one example:  Her discussion on the pagan holiday, Imbolc, that occurs February 1, includes details on its historic background.  She states, “early Christians knew Imbolc as St. Bridgit’s Day for the saint associated with fertility.  It was also called Candlemas, from fourth-century Greece, when candles were lit to symbolize the return of light…” For this ancient holiday she also offers an intention (perhaps to repeat or revise for your own benefit), questions to ask yourself to connect with the meaning of Imbolc, special material to bring (to your celebration of this holiday), and offers other possibilities.  Her one suggestion that I most want to follow advises, “Include playfulness in your dances to connect with the maiden within.”  This is especially relevant to my life as I’ve given up the custom of jumping over the candle flame to heat my inner fire of fertility (an old Celtic ritual that I followed in my youth.)
            While reading Miriam’s book, you’ll be guided on a remarkable journey to connect with the cards in a personal way.  Her interpretations are rich with meaning, and she gives demonstration spreads to help you work within or work with your clients.
           I recommend her thought provoking book and her many exercises to help you discover a new entrance way into the world of the Tarot.  Importantly, Miriam Jacobs’ Tarot in Motion can give you an unique sense of the Tarot that is experienced within your body. Of course, there’s more good things I can say about her book, but I’ve got to pull a card now, and dance, dance, dance.
      Best to you in the New Year of the Tiger!
Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in the Sun sign Cancer is 3:48 pm PST, January 17. Called a wolf moon as this is the time of year that wolves are most vocal. It’s time to howl in moonlight.

 Today, if we can look up in the night time sky we can see the full Moon in the constellation Cancer, zodiac sign of the crab. This sign is governed by the Moon, symbol of the feminine nature, our physical and/or divine Mother, domestic energy, emotions, imagination, intuition, dreams, and empathy.   

   On full moons we can dive more deeply into our sensitivities and feel our emotions on deeper levels.  It’s said that during the full moon, it’s easiest to open our third eye and use our intuition.  Our awareness is sharpened and our logic can be in direct communication with our heart’s truth. This awareness is opposite what we may experience during dark of the moon when shadows may hide our truth, or make it more difficult to see clearly.

   To describe the energy of the full moon, I’m sharing a quote from my Mystic Spirit Tarot Playbook: “…the Moon reflects sunlight and brightens nighttime darkness. Its luminosity influences the feminine cycle and its magnetic currents penetrate watery depths and keeps ocean waves in ebb and flow motion…”  

   If you are searching for answers, it’s a great time to look within and ask yourself questions to achieve more clarity.  If you’re not feeling up to a dialogue with your inner self, you might wait til you’re getting ready for bed, and then ask your subconscious mind to search for answers in your dreams.  This request can be presented in an affirmation, such as:

  “I’m safely in touch with my subconscious dreaming self.  I am open to receiving guidance to find the best answer for my personal well-being.  My question is:  (ask question.). I give thanks for my guidance and clarity.” 

   Whatever words you might use in an affirmation, say your words in a positive manner. It’s an ancient practice to take advantage of the moon’s powerful energy and set intentions to harness its energy to activate success.

     For those born on the 2nd, the 11th, or the 20, in numerology, your birth day number equals 2.  2 is the number that corresponds with Moon and therefore, if I was doing your numerology chart, I would say you a child of the Moon and have a lunar personality.  When looking at major arcana Tarot cards, the second card is the High Priestess who is closely linked with the Moon.  You might want to look at her symbols to see if you can identify with the power of this feminine wise woman who is known to point to priorities, truth, and your right direction.

    Wishing you all the best,

        With love,








Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year 2022

January 2nd–New Moon in Capricorn. 

The perfect time for New Year’s resolutions and setting intentions for making this your best year ever.

    Gayatri Ma, her image above, symbolizes the feminine power of strength, compassion, and healing.  She looks in three directions watching over her children.  In these trying Covid times, she’s an auspicious image to behold.  Her mantra is a universal prayer for helping us connect with her all-seeing wisdom, compassion, and protection:

Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ,  Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ,  Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ,

        Sensing our heart’s truth, listening to its message, and taking “right action” is key to staying connected with our inner-healer and renewing, positive energy.  Especially in times of confusion or dubt, listen to the feelings in your heart, and you’ll experience a greater sense of clarity.

    As we begin this new year it’s hard to ignore that we’re moving through a global transformation.  Surely, its accompanying uncertainties can be unsettling at times, but collectively we’re evolving.  It can help us have a better sense of our personal situations if we can shed the “snake skin” of the past and trust our experiences.  If we believe it or not, we’re all involved in bringing into existence a better planetary alignment.

2022 New Year’s Resolutions

    ***  Reset more positive priorities.

   *** View situations by looking from the heart.

   *** Commit to more time for meditation.

   *** Awaken each morning to living my highest good.

   *** Dream big!!!


                 Wishing you all a great new year!


Oracle Guide/Chakra Light Worker/Tarot Coach


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