New Moon in Pisces, New Energy Outlook
Sending love to all!
The challenges in our current times are huge. I don’t need to write about the pandemic or ugly war. We’ve all been facing these realities long enough to wish for these plights to be over. Trying to make sense of the suffering of humanity makes it easy to get caught in an unending river of tears. I keep hoping this horrific war is just a bad dream, and soon I’ll wake up on a tropical island with fresh coconut juice in my hand reading news of universal peace and healing of Mother Earth. Of course, my dream has me strutting my long-gone, twenty-year old body and showing it off in my itsy-bitsy, tiger stripped bikini.
Our interconnections with all sentient beings lives in the substratum of our being. We are a one world family. It’s hard to ignore the suffering of others when we share the same collective awareness. Swami Muktananda said, “When you see something bad, where does it really exist. Does it exist in that person, in that place? . . . Or in your eyes? Think about this.”
A final note: If you’re feeling anxious, it can be helpful to recall a happy memory and a feeling you associate with it until it brings a smile to your face. Meditate on this memory and feel confident, happy, and strong.
Wishing You Victory and Peace
Tarot, Astrology, and Chakra Readings