Full Moon in Leo

Full Moon in Leo

Happy January and First Full Moon of This Year

Full Moon in Leo, sign of the celestial lion, is upon us.  It’s element, fire, intensifies desires and ignite passions to help them grow and glow.  Its solar heat is reflected in its polarity, the sign of Aquarius which is currently in the astrological spotlight.  

On January 22 Pluto entered Aquarius, the water bearer, to bring forward the dawning of cultural and global consciousness.  You can expect to feel transitional WTF as we all adjust to hearing new voices screaming for peace and planetary awareness.  On Sept. 3 it returns briefly to sit in Capricorn, sign of karmic lessons, tradition, and mature authority, when you can expect to see some of the same old, getting older all the time patterns of patriarchal dominance.  Then on Nov. 20, 2024 Pluto waltzes back into Aquarius to kick butt and bring in the revolutionary spirit for peace and freedom (sorry Klaus) as it gathers momentum to leave for Pisces on March 10 2043.

Because Pluto is slow moving, the lessons it brings highlight the fine-tuning of generational perspectives that can last a life time.  Wherever you sit on the evolving wheel of life, you can expect change, cleaning debris out of your psyche’s cupboards, the failing of false communications, and the destruction of useless initiatives.  Hold on to your optimism, as these changes can bring an increase in clarity, opportunities for positive mental resets, and if luck is with us, overflowing happiness.

The new year is young and so are you, so go find some fun ways to celebrate. With Pluto moving into Aquarius your life is going to be shifting in some out-of-the-norm ways.


Best of life’s blessings,





Happy 2024!

Happy 2024!

Did someone say play? Now that Jupiter and Mercury have gone direct, let the new year begin.


Happy 2024!



Searching for the mystical in the dawn turning to day, the night’s darkness turning to light.

Our 2023  wild ride on The Chariot numeric vibration has turned from 7 to 8 in 2024, and flipped over the Tarot

card Strength to sit upright on our collective table of fortune. If you rightly play the game of life,

this bodes well for owning your strength to overcome obstacles, protecting your psychic space, and increasing the light of your awareness.


Sending you wishes for happiness, good health, a smiling heart, and all good things in your new year!




The Sacred Mysteries Chakra Oracle Card deck Image called “Play” is  by Pieter Weltevrede

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