Awakening the Chakras
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What people are saying…
“Beautifully and wisely written, with rare philosophical and psychological depth, this book is a manual for wise living and, indeed, a map for the attainment of Enlightenment. The authors’ multilayered knowledge adds special color, resonance, and entertainment value to the precious knowledge shared here. Awakening the Chakras is truly a classic, a must-read for every spiritual seeker. I cannot imagine a finer gift.” (Ram Das Batchelder, author of Rising in Love: My Wild and Crazy Ride to Here and Now)
“This remarkable volume is a groundbreaking integration of Western psychology and Eastern wisdom. The three authors are longtime intrepid explorers of faraway continents and spiritual mysteries. They bring a multidimensional understanding that will deepen the reader’s appreciation of the chakra system. Moreover, contemplation of the magnificent color plates is likely to open new channels of intuitive insight into their power.” (David Van Nuys, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology at Sonoma State University)
“Awakening the Chakras can provide a roadmap for navigating life’s journey. The authors have presented their material in an engaging and interesting manner. Colorful artwork and inspirational messages help illuminate the reader’s path and fulfill the authors’ goal to rouse the inner spirit of those who accept their invitation.” (Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., coauthor of The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder)
“The authors have collaborated powerfully to create a rich, poetic, and profound work of art as well as spiritual, psychological science. The collective wisdom and suggested practices are just what is needed for inspiration and balance in challenging times. Prepare to be led on a gentle, yet deep, expansive journey through the revelatory chakra system by the many masters the authors have gathered and generously shared.” (Susan J. Wright, author of The Chakras in Shamanic Practice)
“Awakening the Chakras looks at the chakras directly from ancient sources and examines how to use them as a focal point for meditation and other inner work in a clear and concise way. It engages both sides of the brain through storytelling intertwined with historical information in a way that brings us to a place beyond usual perception. Victor, Kooch, and Pieter could not have written this book together without being an example of the harmony of the chakra practices mentioned.” (Miriam Jacobs, author of Tarot and the Chakras)
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Awakening The Chakras: The Seven Energy Centers in Your Daily Life
Victor Daniels, Kooch N. Daniels
Beautifully illustrated by Pieter Weltevrede
An in-depth guide to understanding and balancing the chakras
• Provides meditations, mantras, and other methods to work with each chakra
• Details each chakra’s positive and negative qualities, their gifts and challenges, and how they interact with each other
• Examines the psychological causes of blocked energy in the chakras
• Shares chakra wisdom and profound spiritual insights from Sri Harish Johari, Guruji Pilot Baba, Mataji Narmada Puri, Sri Aurobindo, and other spiritual leaders
By understanding the chakras, you can better understand the ways you interact with the world around you and the energetic roots of your inner being. Offering an in-depth guide to this powerful ancient yogic science, authors Victor Daniels, Kooch N. Daniels, and Pieter Weltevrede–all longtime students of the late tantric scholar, philosopher, and temple artist Sri Harish Johari–explain the essence of each of the 7 chakras and provide practical tools to work with these energetic “wheels of light.”
Revealing how each chakra is connected with specific patterns of thinking, feeling, sensing, and acting, the authors explore how the chakras offer a vertical map of consciousness beginning with the root chakra at the base of the spine and ascending to the crown chakra on top of the head. They provide dynamic meditations, mantras, and other methods to work with the chakras. You will learn how to enhance each chakra’s positive features and transform the difficult ones. You will discover the complementary ways they affect each other, the gifts and strengths each can bestow, and the psychological causes of potential imbalances within them. Coauthor Pieter Weltevrede provides visual portrayals of traditional images of the chakras and their deities, explaining the spiritual secrets embedded in each. Sharing profound insights from their studies with Harish Johari, the authors also include chakra wisdom from other gurus they have studied with such as Guruji Pilot Baba and Mataji Narmada Puri.
Offering practical wisdom for help in daily life and freedom from the tethers of your past, chakra work provides a powerful way to hear your inner self more deeply and a systematic path for activating higher levels of consciousness.
Victor Daniels received his Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA and taught for more than 40 years at Sonoma State University. He is the coauthor with Kooch Daniels of Matrix Meditations and other books. Kooch N. Daniels has a master’s degree in Psychology from Sonoma State University. The Daniels studied for more than two decades with spiritual teacher Harish Johari as well as with Sri Amritanandamayi. They live in Bodega, California. Pieter Weltevrede is a painter recognized as the artistic protegé of tantric scholar and artist Harish Johari, his teacher for more than 20 years. The author and illustrator of several books, including How Ganesh Got His Elephant Head, he lives in the Netherlands.
Product details
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Destiny Books; 2017 edition (February 26, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781620555873 ISBN-13: 978-1620555873
ASIN: 1620555875
Product Dimensions: 8 x 0.8 x 10 inches

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