Please vote for my book, Stars, Cards, & Stones

Please vote for my book, Stars, Cards, & Stones

Hi all,

It’s been such an honor to have my new book nominated for a  World Divination Award.  Here’s some info if you wish to vote.

Please go to before Sept. 30–click the link, go to the menu in the upper right. It will bring page where you can scroll down and click the vote now link. Then “scroll down to BEST DIVINATION/SPIRITUAL BOOK RELEASE 2024,” and look for my book title, Stars, Cards, and Stones. You will also be asked to vote for a couple more entries. Luckily “none” is an option if you don’t know anyone listed.

 Voting doesn’t take long…and I truly appreciate your gift of time.

Thank you so very much,

Wishing you Love and Light


Full Moon Waves

Full Moon Waves

Western or Tropical astrology:  Aug. 19th, the full moon is in Aquarius 11:26 am PDT.

Aquarius has the joint planetary rulership of Saturn, representative of strong authority figures, lessons to be learned, self-discipline, work, organization, responsibilities, and karma, and Uranus, whose influence is equaled with unexpected changes, revolution, and the desire for freedom.  Even though big-hearted Aquarians are known to be humanitarians, its planetary rulers can make a spicy mix of emotional, electrical waves.  Saturn’s energy may say yes to limitations and conformity, while Uranus dances to a different tune and rebels against them.  You may hear one voice saying, “Go for it”, and another whispering, “Wait!”  “What should I do?” can become a repetitive drumbeat in the background of your mind.

Look to the light of the stars.  It’s the perfect time to jump on the bandwagon of your dreams and move forward to benefit realistic ambitions.  Think about turning your thoughts to positive affirmations such as “I can do this!”  “I will succeed!” or, “I feel good about the person who I have become and am becoming!”

Push for your own soul discovery and give your shadow a kick in the ass.  You, not your mother, father, your lover, shaman, or therapist, are responsible for creating the heaven where you can find peace of mind.  And yes, with Mercury presently retrograde, you may have to work a little harder at smoothing out the bump on your highway to your unknown future.  Just remember, inside your being lives the strength to carve your pathway to happiness.

Blessing to you and those who move in your cosmic orbit,

Kooch — Intuitive reader, author, and life long, mystical apprentice


Looking at the Sky

Looking at the Sky

Astrologically, we’re sitting between the full moon, lunar eclipse and the new moon, solar eclipse on the 8th. It’s the perfect time to juggle your dreams, watch them fall to your feet, and reset your expectations with greater awareness of how they can best be fulfilled. With Mercury retrograde that started on April Fool’s day, look for a colorful jester’s hat to remind you that even if you have so much work to do, you can always come back to it after you go on a much needed get away. Finding answers to soul searching questions should be a bit easier after Mercury goes direct on the 24th.

This is a great time to go inward and polish your soul self.  On the 8th of April, the New Moon-solar eclipse sits in Aries, the first sign on the zodiac wheel that represents fiery beginnings, planting new seeds for growth, and ram-kicking- butt possibilities. Astrologically, the cosmic egg is being cracked open for a magnetically charged reset of our world.  If you’re thinking about reinventing yourself or creating new life directions, now is the perfect time.  If you’re stuck in old patterns, the universe will lend you a hand to help you grow.  Don’t expect to keep the same old, same old as your norm because the cosmos has a plan for shifting universal consciousness.  To take advantage of this celestial phenomenon be alert to taking extra good care of yourself and making decisions that align with your highest good.  .

Best of good fortunes,



#newmoon, #astrology #newmooninAries, ,#solar eclipse, #rebirth #April8th

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