New Moon in Pisces, New Energy Outlook

New Moon in Pisces, New Energy Outlook

Sending love to all!

    The challenges in our current times are huge.  I don’t need to write about the pandemic or ugly war.  We’ve all been facing these realities long enough to wish for these plights to be over. Trying to make sense of the suffering of humanity makes it easy to get caught in an unending river of tears. I keep hoping this horrific war is just a bad dream, and soon I’ll wake up on a tropical island with fresh coconut juice in my hand reading news of universal peace and healing of Mother Earth. Of course, my dream has me strutting my long-gone, twenty-year old body and showing it off in my itsy-bitsy, tiger stripped bikini.

    Our interconnections with all sentient beings lives in the substratum of our being.  We are a one world family. It’s hard to ignore the suffering of others when we share the same collective awareness. Swami Muktananda said, “When you see something bad, where does it really exist. Does it exist in that person, in that place? . . . Or in your eyes? Think about this.”

  A final note:  If you’re feeling anxious, it can be helpful to recall a happy memory and a feeling you associate with it until it brings a smile to your face.  Meditate on this memory and feel confident, happy, and strong.

 Wishing You Victory and Peace


Tarot, Astrology, and Chakra Readings

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year 2022

January 2nd–New Moon in Capricorn. 

The perfect time for New Year’s resolutions and setting intentions for making this your best year ever.

    Gayatri Ma, her image above, symbolizes the feminine power of strength, compassion, and healing.  She looks in three directions watching over her children.  In these trying Covid times, she’s an auspicious image to behold.  Her mantra is a universal prayer for helping us connect with her all-seeing wisdom, compassion, and protection:

Om Bhur Bhuvaḥ Swaḥ,  Tat-savitur Vareñyaṃ,  Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonaḥ,

        Sensing our heart’s truth, listening to its message, and taking “right action” is key to staying connected with our inner-healer and renewing, positive energy.  Especially in times of confusion or dubt, listen to the feelings in your heart, and you’ll experience a greater sense of clarity.

    As we begin this new year it’s hard to ignore that we’re moving through a global transformation.  Surely, its accompanying uncertainties can be unsettling at times, but collectively we’re evolving.  It can help us have a better sense of our personal situations if we can shed the “snake skin” of the past and trust our experiences.  If we believe it or not, we’re all involved in bringing into existence a better planetary alignment.

2022 New Year’s Resolutions

    ***  Reset more positive priorities.

   *** View situations by looking from the heart.

   *** Commit to more time for meditation.

   *** Awaken each morning to living my highest good.

   *** Dream big!!!


                 Wishing you all a great new year!


Oracle Guide/Chakra Light Worker/Tarot Coach


Chakra Oracles Card 32:  Healing

Chakra Oracles Card 32: Healing

Conversing with your inner healer is a good place to begin your healing process.  What words, feelings, impressions are you communicating to your inner self?  How are your feeling in response to these powerful influences?  The messages  you give to yourself are key in directing your mind, emotions,  and body evolution. 

Certainly the exterior world, including the environment and outside stressors play a role in influencing our health.  Perhaps karma also points us toward a predestined fate.  But whatever is happening, be a fierce warrior to win over life’s difficulties.  Connect with your inner healer who depends on your willingness to firmly hold on to your strength and commitment to make your life better.  What can you do to reduce stressors or negative influences?  Can you balance anxiety with optimistic thinking? Don’t overlook doing little things each day that can help you feel better.   

Dhanwantari, the image on chakra card 32 linked with the fifth chakra, was considered “Healer to the Gods”.  His light reflected in the waves of energy dancing around him symbolize the vibrational forces that bring healing to the body, mind, emotions, and spirit.  

Flowing With the River of Life

Flowing With the River of Life

    In perplexing times, watch your attitude.  Your perspective colors your sense of the good and the bad in life.  Are you enjoying your swim in the ever-changing currents in the river of life, or are you fearful of unexpected waves?  Making the most of your situation, whatever it may be, can be part of a strategy for your success, even if at times you don’t know how to navigate the uncharted forces surging in the ocean of your emotions. 

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