Your Tarot Card Astro Waves

Your Tarot Card Astro Waves

  New Moon In Libra

    Aries     Your card:  The Emperor

     New Moon turns up your charm and keeps emotional boundaries rock-n-rolling.  Use your ram’s strength to resolve challenges and enjoy the moment.                   

     Taurus     Your card:  The Hierophant

    Being steadfast and true in your romantic pursuits can prove interesting.  Your Venus ruled nature turns its focus on improving emotional situations.

     Gemini     Your card:  The Lovers

   Communications need to be grounded to keep your Mercurial nature in balance.  Let “the twins” of your perception surf the ocean of emotions with trust in what tomorrow brings.

     Cancer     Your card:  The Chariot

     Look before you leap to enable your watery nature to dance wildly with a sense of security.  Trust your feelings to guide you to making the right choices.                         

     Leo     Your card:  The Sun

     Purr-purr, play, purr-purr, play, and repeat.  Times call for you to ignite the fires of passion, creativity, and enjoyment (using common sense, of course.)

     Virgo     Your card:  The Hermit

   Take time out from money-making routines and find a way to celebrate your life by having fun.  Think of all the reasons why you should pamper your mind, body, and spirit.                                 

     Libra     Your card:  Justice

     Dive, don’t walk, into the pool of healing communications. Taking time for yourself recharges your energy so you have higher energy and more focus to move toward your goals.  

     Scorpio     Your card:  Death/Rebirth

     Open your third eye to find the right answers to your questions about love, emotions, and fulfillment.  Be willing to walk your talk about being successful, and get busy having the best time of your life.

     Sagittarius     Your card:  Temperance

     Use your favorite oracle to divine your highest path to creating or re-creating the life you desire.  Set your intentions to be grounded in practical, happy pursuits.

    Capricorn     Your card:  The Devil/Pan

     With Saturn, Capricorn’s ruling planet demanding self-respect, it’s a good time to be true to yourself.  Use your strength to surf the waves of life’s ambiguities and reach for the brightest star of your desires.

     Aquarius     Your card:  The Star

       Detach from the demands of your inner critic and channel passions into creativity and good times.  You can answer enigmatic questions about your future by looking into the crystal ball of your present intentions.

     Pisces     Your card:  The Moon  

  The watery world of emotions can be filled with waves of confusion. Take time to find your right answers.  Today’s reflections bring tomorrow’s insights on finding your best pathl. 



The Art of Positive Affirmations

The Art of Positive Affirmations


Hi Everybody, to start the new year we have created a new video From the Mystic Spirit Tarot Playbook:
Chapter 3 The High Priestess:  Intuitive Portal, Positive Affirmations. I hope you enjoy it. From my heart to yours, Kooch



Tarot News

Tarot News



Hot off the video press: a 1 min. video introduction to my Mystic Spirit Tarot Playbook published by Red Feather/Schiffer 2020


Fun Activities To Help You Learn Tarot Card Meanings

The two following actions can help you discover card meaning:

1. Make a daily or weekly practice of placing a card on your mirror or somewhere you can causally glance at it as you walk by. Take some time to dialogue with its image. What is it saying to you?

2. Free-associate ideas for any meaning(s) that you think or feel about the symbols on this card. If you can write your ideas, you’ll create a meaningful resource that will be infinitely valuable for your Tarot journey.

Sending heartfelt wishes for your success and happiness,

Oracle Wisdom Card: The Chariot

Oracle Wisdom Card: The Chariot

Some Keywords: Chariot, symbol for modes of transportation, our physical self in motion, and visible strides of progress.

Food For Thought: In uncertain times, while many of us are taking steps forward, we simultaneously question our forward momentum. What choices can we make to ease our worldly journey? Can we even be sure of our destination? How do we make confident decisions when the sphinx (Intense energies) pulling our chariot forward want to go in opposite directions?

When viewing this card, I’m reminded by present cultural challenges set into motion by Covid-19, not to worrying about outcomes. It’s best to be aware of each singular step I take and open my heart to appreciation of life in this present moment. Being alert to the “Now” allows me to be patient with my progress, invisible as it may be. Instead of worrying about my destiny, I reign in my focus to illuminate present possibilities. Since the charioteer can never be sure of what’s coming around the corner, putting attention on what’s immediately in front of you, can not only be the best pathway to the finding fulfillment, but it can also save your life.

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