Unless you live in the Southern hemisphere, the turning of the wheel of the year has just reached the  point of summer solstice.   A time of maximum sunlight, we are given permission from the cosmos to have more time to bath in the light of daytime activities.  Anyone ready to go the beach?  I ‘m looking for my bikini…Just kidding!  I can’t wear them except in my dreams.

     Talking about dreams, I’m writing 2 more books.  As fast as I can type, i’m not able to type fast enough to get to all that needs to be done.  A great time for a oh- poor me, pity party.  But I feel blessed as my writing is a continuation of more of what I love to talk about, astrology, tarot, runes, oracles, chakras, and increasing our awareness of the light in our being.  

 Hope you can join my next workshop hosted by East West Bookshop: 

      Explore Your Chakras Through Tarot Cards            When: Wednesday July 6, 2022 — 7:00 to 8:30pm  

     Learn how to use tarot cards to help you explore your chakras, psyche, emotions, and relationships with Kooch, tarot guide and author. A reading of the cards can help you gain clarity, success, and happiness in your life. Kooch will demonstrate several tarot-chakra spreads to help you answer your personal questions. Bring your cards as you’re invited to learn beneficial spreads by doing your own readings. If you don’t have cards to use in the class, you’ll need to follow along by watching instead of doing.
                                     Tarotly yours,  Kooch

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