Day of the Dead Horroscope

Day of the Dead Horroscope


         Open your mind and become more accepting of those who appear to be a bit more ghoulish than you prefer.   You might be rewarded with some surprising changes in your alliances with family or friends.  Don’t forget to ask your ancestors for guidance.


      Yes, you can protect your sensitive emotions, even in heated discussions.   You may find that cobwebs of anxiety disappear when you’re willing to talk openly about issues that are most important to you, especially if you smile.  Invoke an awareness of the triumphs of those who have gone before you.


      Think in terms of enjoying the unusual and you’ll arrive at a fun place for enjoying Dia De Muerta celebrations.  Stay even-minded and even during the gravest of situations, you might see the phantoms of your hopes and wishes coming to life.


      Decorate your home with some bright colors to chase away spooky moods.  Instead of worrying, focus on putting more life into living the good life.  A nice little get away with a friend or lover is a good prescription for finding delight.


      Prayers to ancestors can lead to beyond sacred moments.  Possibilities are endless for conjuring engaging memories from the digging grounds of the past.  A bit of playful make-up, or a “Catrina” hat can add to healing communications and forgiving the mistakes of others.


      The spirit of love lives inside you, but unrealistic romantic ideals can frightfully obstruct peace of mind.  Let emotions flow harmoniously by letting go of the scepter of expectations, and viewing every moment as a miraculous “present” to enjoy.


      Let ghosts from the past plant fertile seeds of optimism for the garden of your life’s growing success.  Wear magical amulets and search for opportunities to attract good luck and fulfilling opportunities for fun on your evolving journey.


      Relax your mind, breathe deeply, and make a conscious decision to have a bewitching day of wonder.  When you believe in your dreams, is it easier to reach for the goals that haunt you as well as uncover treasures in unexpected places.


      Give yourself permission to say “No!” to revisiting painful memories of the past.  Make some time to buy some chocolates or sugar skulls to sweeten your sense of dancing with the creative aliveness of everyday life.  If your mood is right, light a candle to invoke the spirit of undying and ask for a message from the other side.


      Retreating into your home to create an altar to the dead can feel safe, but sometimes it’s important to invoke smiles in the hearts of friends and family.  An opportunity to sing with fearless angels is an available for all who believe in living each moment to its fullest.


      How can you expect others to understand you if you wear a mask that covers your feelings?  Now is a perfect time to say good-by to concerns about complex soul riddles and embrace the fullness of life.  Ask your ancestors for their blessings.  You just might win an unexpected gift for your efforts.


      It’s the perfect time to pamper your total self.  Say “YES” to opportunities that inspire your song or poetry writing nature and you’ll find excuses to smile more. When you listen to the voice of love inside your heart, decision making becomes easier.

Your Tarot Card Astro Waves

Your Tarot Card Astro Waves

  New Moon In Libra

    Aries     Your card:  The Emperor

     New Moon turns up your charm and keeps emotional boundaries rock-n-rolling.  Use your ram’s strength to resolve challenges and enjoy the moment.                   

     Taurus     Your card:  The Hierophant

    Being steadfast and true in your romantic pursuits can prove interesting.  Your Venus ruled nature turns its focus on improving emotional situations.

     Gemini     Your card:  The Lovers

   Communications need to be grounded to keep your Mercurial nature in balance.  Let “the twins” of your perception surf the ocean of emotions with trust in what tomorrow brings.

     Cancer     Your card:  The Chariot

     Look before you leap to enable your watery nature to dance wildly with a sense of security.  Trust your feelings to guide you to making the right choices.                         

     Leo     Your card:  The Sun

     Purr-purr, play, purr-purr, play, and repeat.  Times call for you to ignite the fires of passion, creativity, and enjoyment (using common sense, of course.)

     Virgo     Your card:  The Hermit

   Take time out from money-making routines and find a way to celebrate your life by having fun.  Think of all the reasons why you should pamper your mind, body, and spirit.                                 

     Libra     Your card:  Justice

     Dive, don’t walk, into the pool of healing communications. Taking time for yourself recharges your energy so you have higher energy and more focus to move toward your goals.  

     Scorpio     Your card:  Death/Rebirth

     Open your third eye to find the right answers to your questions about love, emotions, and fulfillment.  Be willing to walk your talk about being successful, and get busy having the best time of your life.

     Sagittarius     Your card:  Temperance

     Use your favorite oracle to divine your highest path to creating or re-creating the life you desire.  Set your intentions to be grounded in practical, happy pursuits.

    Capricorn     Your card:  The Devil/Pan

     With Saturn, Capricorn’s ruling planet demanding self-respect, it’s a good time to be true to yourself.  Use your strength to surf the waves of life’s ambiguities and reach for the brightest star of your desires.

     Aquarius     Your card:  The Star

       Detach from the demands of your inner critic and channel passions into creativity and good times.  You can answer enigmatic questions about your future by looking into the crystal ball of your present intentions.

     Pisces     Your card:  The Moon  

  The watery world of emotions can be filled with waves of confusion. Take time to find your right answers.  Today’s reflections bring tomorrow’s insights on finding your best pathl. 



Late Night Love Astro Forecast

Late Night Love Astro Forecast

AriesYour attitude can help love’s potential sizzle or frizzle.  Keep your emotional communications playful, detach from worries, and sing a ballad of love. 

Taurus:  Taking a bullish stance slows the attractive power of love. Be flexible to give and take in intimate discussions as subtle desires invoke passions. 

Gemini:  Think optimism and promote romantic playtime. Get some comfortable run-the-race shoes in order to walk the distance on love’s highway.

Cancer:  Don’t forget to put trust’s key to happiness in your pocket. Use your wisdom to dance and celebrate the uncertainty of your emotional choices.

Leo:  Spend time doing what makes you purr loudly on the inside. Think about what it means to open your heart, and strive to be more romantically available.

Virgo:  Sing your heart’s truth with your voice of joy.  Taking time to play and tune into music helps you worry less and enjoy your feelings more.

Libra: Focusing on your blessings helps you keep your inner equilibrium.  You are blessed by knowing how to create positive caring relations.

Scorpio: Your emotional spirit may soon soar with the dawning of a new perspective. There’s no better time than now to affirm love’s success.

Sagittarius:  Love’s happiness is within reach. Your smiling eyes, generous heart, and flirtatious smile are tickets to winning love’s fortune.

Capricorn: Take time to enjoy a relaxing drive to a romantic destination. Your happy energy has an irresistible quality that will help fulfill love’s dreams.

Aquarius:  A trip across town can be an excuse to dive into the depth of emotions. Your best time for romance is whenever the time is right.

Pisces:  Nurture the garden of your romantic destiny with trust in your direction.  Your intuition offers clues to

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