Hearts and Horrors
Single and looking for love, madly in love, or falling in or out of love, Valentines is a time that brings love to the forefront of our attention. How can we not get upset if no one brings rings our emotional doorbell or brings us flowers? If chocolate is special to your heart, one way or another, you can surely find some to nibble. Best to remember that whatever your situation, love springs forth from within. Self-love and imagining yourself being love instead of seeking love, makes Cupid’s day sweet, no matter what your situation. Oh, and by the way, I’m sending thoughts of love to you from my little corner of the world.
Love Forecast
Aries: Your attitude can help love’s potential sizzle or frizzle. Keep your emotional communications playful to lure Cupid to sing his ballad of love.
Taurus: Taking a bullish stance slows the flowing power of love. Intimate discussions can lead to excursions into new possibilities.
Gemini: Think about spending time in playful fun. Get some comfortable walking shoes in case you decide to walk the distance on love’s highway.
Cancer: Don’t forget to put the key that opens the door to your heart in your pocket. Use your wisdom to focus on celebrating your precious self!
Leo: Spend social time doing what makes you purr loudly on the inside. Think about what it means to open your heart and being more romantically available.
Virgo: Sing your heart’s truth with your voice of optimism. Taking time to play and tune into music can help you worry less and enjoy life more.
Libra: Focusing on your blessings helps you keep inner equilibrium. Venus, goddess of love, smiles upon you to help you maintain positive relations.
Scorpio: Your emotional spirit may soon soar with the dawning of a new perspective. There’s no better time than now to affirm love’s magic.
Sagittarius: Love’s happiness is within reach. Your smiling eyes, generous heart, and flirtatious smile are your tickets to a winning fortune.
Capricorn: Take time from your drive and ambition to enjoy positive moments and fulfill love’s dreams. Your happy energy has irresistible charm.
Aquarius: Taking a trip down lover’s lane can be an excuse to dive into the depth of memories. The “Now” is your best time for romance.
Pisces: Nurture the garden of your romantic destiny with trust in your choices. Your intuition offers vital clues to understand what lies beneath the surface.
Copyright 2023
Best of Hugs,
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