Hearts and Horrors

Hearts and Horrors

  Single and looking for love, madly in love, or falling in or out of love, Valentines is a time that brings love to the forefront of our attention.  How can we not get upset if no one brings rings our emotional doorbell or brings us flowers?   If chocolate is special to your heart, one way or another, you can surely find some to nibble.  Best to remember that whatever your situation, love springs forth from within.  Self-love and imagining yourself being love instead of seeking love, makes Cupid’s day sweet, no matter what your situation.  Oh, and by the way, I’m sending thoughts of love to you from my little corner of the world.  

Love Forecast

Aries:  Your attitude can help love’s potential sizzle or frizzle.  Keep your emotional communications playful to lure Cupid to sing his ballad of love. 

Taurus:  Taking a bullish stance slows the flowing power of love.  Intimate discussions can lead to excursions into new possibilities.

Gemini:  Think about spending time in playful fun.  Get some comfortable walking shoes in case you decide to walk the distance on love’s highway.

Cancer:  Don’t forget to put the key that opens the door to your heart in your pocket. Use your wisdom to focus on celebrating your precious self!

Leo:  Spend social time doing what makes you purr loudly on the inside. Think about what it means to open your heart and being more romantically available.

Virgo:  Sing your heart’s truth with your voice of optimism.  Taking time to play and tune into music can help you worry less and enjoy life more.

Libra: Focusing on your blessings helps you keep inner equilibrium.  Venus, goddess of love, smiles upon you to help you maintain positive relations.

Scorpio: Your emotional spirit may soon soar with the dawning of a new perspective. There’s no better time than now to affirm love’s magic.

Sagittarius:  Love’s happiness is within reach. Your smiling eyes, generous heart, and flirtatious smile are your tickets to a winning fortune.

Capricorn: Take time from your drive and ambition to enjoy positive moments and fulfill love’s dreams.  Your happy energy has irresistible charm.

Aquarius:  Taking a trip down lover’s lane can be an excuse to dive into the depth of memories.  The “Now” is your best time for romance.

Pisces:  Nurture the garden of your romantic destiny with trust in your choices.  Your intuition offers vital clues to understand what lies beneath the surface.

Copyright 2023

Best of Hugs,


Tarot, chakra, astrolgoy, numerology, and astrology readings

New Year’s Resolution:  Merging with Light and Love

New Year’s Resolution: Merging with Light and Love

When you start an inward intuitive or spiritual journey, one of the first steps is introspection or meditatively looking within.  We have to be open minded to working on ourselves and try, try, try to remove any negatives that distract us from being centered.  Why do we need to unburden ourselves from negative thinking?  Because we ourselves carry the weight of its heaviness as we become distracted and drained by its adverse energy.

Our attitude can release our mind from the shackles of anger, fears, doubts, and the ills of negativity. Each of us has the capacity to let go of the suffering and move toward lighter and brighter considerations.  To evolve consciously or awaken one’s intuitive abilities is a wonderful to imagine, but it doesn’t just happen without putting forth some effort.

First step:  Introspection

Second step:  Removing obstacles that create barriers to feeling centered within.

Third step:  Stepping into strength and confidence.

If you’re making New Year’s resolutions, you might want to consider owning your power to merge with the light.  Become kinder to yourself and listen to your inner angels, guides, sages, shamans, or any other optimistic voice that tells you to lighten up in the new year.  When we listen to news on TV, reels, or other social connections, they are often filled with the plights of the suffering.  To have a better chance of not sinking into anxieties, we each have to hold on to our inner light with optimism.  You won’t only feel better, you’ll be making the world a brighter place wherever your light goes.

My crystal ball talks about my Mystic Spirit Tarot Playbook and what appears in chapter 3.  It also shows you having a Happy 2023!!!!!

Good Fortunes Always,


Finding Inner Peace

Finding Inner Peace

Peace, Joy, and Happy Holidays to All

Sages from ancient times have said that when living in the external world, we’re bound to experience extremes waves of high and low energies that can toss us about as if we’re a raft floating on rough seas. Almost everyone in any kind of crisis goes into a state of stress and worry. When tension becomes part of a crisis, everything becomes worse. Even if our personal world contains many blessings, challenges such as our present pandemic can deplete our peace of mind, and like a thief in the night, steal life’s enjoyment.  The highest path we can take to overcome life’s miseries, the ancients claimed, is to journey within.  Meditation is the vehicle to take us there.

 Through meditation we can gain greater mental balance, focus, and inner harmony. Importantly, it can help us calm our mind when it is in an anxious state, and increase our ability to cope with crises.  With inner calmness we can see how to take better take care of our self and loved ones. My book, co-written with Victor, titled Matrix Meditations offers trustworthy practices for overcoming the physical and emotional hazards of stress.  It can be a holiday gift that brings fresh ideas to increase mental clarity, strength, and happiness all year long.


Lunar Eclipse on full Moon Nov. 8th

Lunar Eclipse on full Moon Nov. 8th

I’m waking up with lunar excitement. This waxing moon is creating high waves

of energy that can benefit clarity and progress.  If you and I were surfing, we’d be

having unusually good opportunities to catch some really big waves right now.  Stay focused to maximize your efforts.

These energizing lunar waves will peak this coming eclipse of the blood moon on Nov. 8. Chances increase

for becoming more aligned with your spiritual and/or worldly  path.  Evolution and revolution are key to this eclipse.


Happy Halloween

Psychic Night Out

I will be doing readings in Sebastopol at Milk and Honey, Friday, the 14th from 6 to 8…It’s a psychic party and ritual. Info:
Milk & Honey Psychic Fair and Witches Night Out!
Friday, October 14th at 6:00pm
Hope to see you!


And please take extra care of yourself this Halloween season. 

Sage your space.  Take salt scrubs healing baths. 

Meditate to clear your mind, and set positive intentions for your happiness and well being.

Happy Autumn

Best of fortunes, Kooch

Exploring the Numerology of Tarot Using Your Birth Date

Exploring the Numerology of Tarot Using Your Birth Date

Hi all…

   Happy birthday to all Virgo’s.  August has been a wild roller coaster ride, so I’m happy to see September winds blowing in.  I’ll be teaching a class on numerology on Sept 24th details below, and doing a radio interview on developing intuition…and celebrating autumn equinox.  The rest of the month, my fingers will be glued to my computer key board as I’m trying to meet a manuscript submission deadline.  Yep…another book will be birthed if all goes as planned.  (LOL)!

This is a quick summary of my upcoming Tarot numerology class with its link.  I’m hoping you can join us.

 Exploring the Magick of Tarot Using Your Birth Date

Class Description:  What are the Tarot secrets in your birth date?  Using Vedic numerology, we’ll explore how to analyze your birth numbers.  When symbolically discussed, numbers can serve as your intimate guide to Tarot exploration and put a spot light on your personal affairs. 

            All you need is your Tarot cards and your birthdate to analyze your numbers in relation to the major arcana cards.  Kooch will highlight numeric qualities, your lucky numbers, and explore how they align with the Tarot.  We’ll look at your birth numbers to create your unique reading. 


Best of the changing of the seasons,

   lov,  Kooch

My chakra/tarot class

My chakra/tarot class

Explore Your Chakras Through The Tarot

On again with East West Bookstore…and this is the last time (I think) that I’ll be offering this zoom class this year.   

Here’s the new  link:  https://www.eastwestbooks.org/events/explore-chakras-tarot-cards-28jul22

Getting over Covid has been…well…not trying to be offensive…but it’s a bit of a bitch.  Nothing more to say but Ugh!

I’ve realized that it’s time to put up my “Party Psychic” sign again.  Yep.  After not taking jobs for 2 years because of Covid concerns, I’m like okay …I’ve had it, let me do the work I love.  The universe responded by immediately sending me several requests to do events.  I guess, the cosmos is agreeing with me.

I’m on a wild time line ride as I have a divination book deadline that keeps getting closer.  And another book/deck creation that is needing my attention.  Hummmm and dreams about doing more classes….and I want time to play with my grandchildren..  As long as I don’t sleep, I have enough time to get to everything.  I’m too old to die young, so what the heck?

   Third eye blinking at ya all,





Lunar Eclipse on full Moon Nov. 8th

Happy Summer Wishes To All

     Unless you live in the Southern hemisphere, the turning of the wheel of the year has just reached the  point of summer solstice.   A time of maximum sunlight, we are given permission from the cosmos to have more time to bath in the light of daytime activities.  Anyone ready to go the beach?  I ‘m looking for my bikini…Just kidding!  I can’t wear them except in my dreams.

     Talking about dreams, I’m writing 2 more books.  As fast as I can type, i’m not able to type fast enough to get to all that needs to be done.  A great time for a oh- poor me, pity party.  But I feel blessed as my writing is a continuation of more of what I love to talk about, astrology, tarot, runes, oracles, chakras, and increasing our awareness of the light in our being.  

 Hope you can join my next workshop hosted by East West Bookshop: 

      Explore Your Chakras Through Tarot Cards            When: Wednesday July 6, 2022 — 7:00 to 8:30pm  

     Learn how to use tarot cards to help you explore your chakras, psyche, emotions, and relationships with Kooch, tarot guide and author. A reading of the cards can help you gain clarity, success, and happiness in your life. Kooch will demonstrate several tarot-chakra spreads to help you answer your personal questions. Bring your cards as you’re invited to learn beneficial spreads by doing your own readings. If you don’t have cards to use in the class, you’ll need to follow along by watching instead of doing.
                                     Tarotly yours,  Kooch
Using the Tarot to Explore Your Chakras

Using the Tarot to Explore Your Chakras

Here’s the link:


It’s 7 pm California time … Tuesday the 7th

Learn how to use tarot cards to help you explore your chakras, psyche, emotions, and relationships with Kooch Daniels, tarot guide and author. The spread of the cards can help you gain clarity, success, and happiness in your life. Kooch will demonstrate a three-card, seven-card, and compatibility spread. In her work as an intuitive consultant, she has given thousands of readings. You will be invited to do your own readings to gain experience and skill. Please bring your cards to the workshop to dive right into some experiential spreads.

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